My Flocked Christmas Tree: How I Put Together this Timeless, Frosty Elegance

‘Tis the season for twinkling lights and festive decorations—and putting together a Christmas tree is the best way to go about it. 

But, what happens when you complement those festive lights with a palette of white? 

A flocked tree—perfect to put on display year after year—brings life to your interior! While we can’t summon Mother Nature to give the tree a fresh dusting of snow, a flocked tree can perfectly capture the essence of a winter wonderland. (Perhaps one of the reasons my flocked Christmas tree is my all-time favorite.)

In this blog post, I round up my top tips for putting together this timeless tree to help you recreate this frosty elegance in your home 🎄🤍

Embracing the Frost: Choose the Perfect Flocked Tree

The journey begins with selecting the perfect flocked tree—a symbol of winter’s embrace. The artificial snow (in the form of a white powder) seems to whisper tales of snowy landscapes. I love how it sets an enchanting backdrop for Christmas festivities in my home! If you’re in for a good DIY, you can even flock your existing Christmas tree yourself.

Weave In Elegance with Ribbon

I always start with weaving faux fur ribbon in and out of the branches. This creates a cascading effect that adds dimension to the tree. The ribbon also helps fill in the gaps while adding to the snowiness. If you were to ask the one secret to adding elegance to my tree—I’d easily say it’s the ribbon.

Decorate With Your Favorite Ornaments

No Christmas tree is complete without dazzling ornaments. I tend to begin with larger pieces, starting at the bottom and working my way up. Next, I add the smaller ornaments, keeping them close to the tips of the branches. Such positioning allows them to freely hang and reflect light, creating a dazzling effect.

Add In Your Picks

Next comes my favorite part: personalizing the tree with mini additions. I use a variety of sizes, colors, and textures to create a punch of visual interest. Picking colors from muted tones helps me stick to the frosty elegance I aim to create—while still allowing me to exercise creative freedom. At this step, you can add all your favorite baubles, snowflakes, icicles…you name it!

You can also light up your Christmas tree (here’s how to do it like a pro). This casts a soft, shimmering light on the frosted branches—and warms up the atmosphere. 

Final Words

And, there you have it, folks! Your very own flocked Christmas tree that brings timeless elegance to your space. Remember—that’s just my way of doing it. You can always customize as per your wish. For example, adding an extra layer of visual appeal with a tree skirt and a sparkling star topper at the top. When it comes to holiday decor, there’s one rule: the more, the merrier 😉